The desire of Westmeade Kids (preschool – 5th grade) is to raise up the next generation to be authentic followers of Jesus. We pray that through their understanding and surrender to The Gospel of Jesus Christ their lives will forever be changed. Ultimately, because of His Grace towards them, we pray that they will live their lives with passion and purpose on mission for Christ.
9:00 am // Sunday School
10:00 am // Worship (ages 5 and up, nursery available for under 5)
6:15 – 7:15pm // Kids Praise // Upper Room

Westmeade Students exists to introduce teenagers to Jesus and His saving grace, nurture them in faith through the Word of God and equip them for a lifetime of glorifying God. We glorify God by making disciples who know Christ, grow in Christ and go for Christ. We encourage our teenagers to invest themselves in the life of Kingdom work which happens through the Church as a whole.
9:00 am // Sunday School
10:00 am // Worship
6:15 – 7:15pm // Core Groups (Discipleship Classes) // The Refuge

Starting after high school ends and real life begins, our Adult Ministries have many faces to meet the needs of the adults in our church family. Whether someone is embarking on a college education or higher degree, a single in the business world, learning how to navigate marriage or start a family, parenting in our culture or facing an empty nest, we have a place for you to belong. From College Age to 20 Somethings to Young Marrieds to Men’s and Women’s Ministries – if you’re an adult we have an area for you to grow that meets you where you are in life.
9:00 am // Sunday School
10:00 am // Worship
6:15 – 7:15pm // Discipleship Groups

No matter our age, God is still at work shaping us into the disciples He has called us to be. Young At Heart (ages 55 and up) is keeping our senior adults active in ministry and connected through fellowship. While we have our monthly adventure, this community of faith is loving and serving our church through their wealth of biblical knowledge and Christ-centered life experiences.

“Turning the world upside down with the message of the Gospel and the love of Christ”
Our call is to take the Gospel locally, nationally and globally. We are involved in missions on all three tiers and are searching for more opportunities to build God’s Kingdom in our city, state, nation and world.

Because God has loved us, we will love the Lord lavishly and by our love expose others to His goodness so that others can worship God too.
This purpose finds its foundational basis in the Great Commission and Great Commandment which state that we should love the Lord God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength, and that we should go and make disciples of this same great God.